As the year draws to a close, we come together for the last time in this season of Brevis Talk to share a narrative that's both haunting and enlightening. It's the story of Luis Salazar, a man on death row whose final confess...
In this episode I tell about solitary confinement. Solitary confinement has several other names, depending upon the circumstances. It can be called administrative segregation(Ad Seg), protective custody(PC), or closed cell r...
In this episode I tell of a cunning inmate who was a very unusual person. He seemed to play games with any and everyone who he came into contact with.
In this 3rd part, we continue to talk about the Holy Spirit and His ministry in the saints. I tell about an incredible inmate who walks in the fullness of God.
In this episode, along with the message on the Holy Spirit, I tell about Duncan who was concerned that the Holy Spirit had left him. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption....
In this episode, I tell the story of 2 of the most transformed men I've ever met. One has since been executed, the other continues to live for the Lord and is a blessing to so many.
In this episode I tell of a recently saved man who has spent most of his life incarcerated. He is now 70 years old, and his life is truly a demonstration of the love, grace, and power of God.
In this episode, I tell about a few more inmates whose minds were broken.
In this episode I will introduce you to Len and Jess. These 2 inmates are broken in mind.
In this episode I introduce you to a young man who was keeping the "Family Tradition" going.
On this episode I tell the story of the first person that I ever visited in a jail or prison setting. All these years later this person continues to stay in trouble.
In this episode I try to answer a couple of questions that you've asked.
This is a gruesome and horrible story concerning a murder. This episode have subject matter that may not be suitable for all audience. It is certainly not a story that a child should hear.
In this episode I tell a bit about upcoming episodes, and asking the question "what will you do with Jesus?" Also, I share my thoughts about the only program that will transform the incarcerated and those in the free world.
In this episode I tell the story of an angry militant inmate. He did not profess faith in Christ, I'm sorry to say. He heard the gospel(good news) of Jesus Christ, but he rejected it.
The inmate that I am speaking of in this episode was a diligent and obedient student of God's Word. His life and walk with Christ continues to encourage and challenge me.
In today's episode I tell about Edward an inmate who, early in his life, was told what his future would be.
In this episode I tell the stories of two inmates that have been greatly used by God in His service. These men have led many to Christ and discipled them.
This podcast is a continuation of the previous episode. A friend cares about a friend. A Christian cares about the salvation of others.
A death row inmate described himself as a "dirtbag." He lived a life that was often a train wreck for those who came into contact with him. Several years before his execution, he came to Christ. And He lived a life that glori...
In this episode I tell of my encounters with an inmate who was fueled by bitterness. It controlled every aspect and action of his life. Exodus 15:22-23; Hebrews 12:15
I tell about teaching an anger management class. Proverbs 16:32; Proverbs 27:4; Ecclesiastes 7:9; Galatians 5:20; James 1:19-20